Search Instagram Location
Search Instagram Location
Search Location Hashtags
To discover photos tagged with a particular Location, touch the star-shaped symbol from the Instagram app's major screen to open the Explore screen. Tap the magnifying glass icon to display the Browse device, touch the "Tags" tab, and then type a hashtag, along with the name of the Location, in the Search box. For instance, kind "#Chicago" to locate posts marked with Chicago. Comparable tags show up in the search results page listed below the Look area-- for example, #ChicagoCubs may also appear in the search results page. Touch a hashtag access in the search results page to check out identified posts.
Photo Map
To watch an individual's Photo Map, open her profile web page by tapping on her hyperlinked username from any type of blog post or screen. You could also search for the customer from the Explore display: tap the "Image Map" icon in the user's account web page to watch a Google map view of her articles tagged by Location.