Facebook Edit Post
Facebook Edit Post
Just what I had not observed until now, nevertheless, is that at the click of a switch all previous edits of the article are visible to your Facebook friends.
To ensure that means all the times you edited a post with a spelling blunder, or rewrote a standing you determined - in hindsight - made you look rude AF, our good friends might have been seeing the changes during.
IS IT SIMPLY ME WHO DIDN'T KNOW THIS BEFORE? I make sure you'll tell me if it is.
Currently, with this knowledge under my belt, I'm thinking of exactly how I'm going to need to proof-read every comment or remark I ever make on Facebook in the same way I proof-read my argumentation. This is demanding.
I chose to double check just how it worked, so asked my coworker Anna to upload a wonderful little test status for me.
I then asked her to modify it.
And also APPEARANCE. Click the little downwards arrowhead in the leading right hand edge of the post.
Select 'watch modify background' and this will certainly emerge
Currently lol to your heart's web content as you view your good friends doubting themselves before your very eyes.
Oh dear, oh dear. In some cases you wish you would certainly never discovered stuff.